Calum Lykan Storytelling
Storyteller, Emcee
Entertainer for One and All

Weaver of Dreams, Slayer of Boredom...
"I love to tell stories, it's my passion and my world. And what I love most is a challenge. Give me a theme, a concept, an emotion and then I will give you a story"

Storyteller, Master of Ceremonies, Voice Artist, Public Speaker and Tour Guide. Internationally renowned Storyteller Calum Lykan is the complete package for any event.
Born and raised in Ayrshire, I was surrounded by the stories of that rich and beautiful area. Yet storytelling was not a path I had ever thought to follow, Butcher, Banker, Business Development Manager and Regional Manager were the routes traveled. Hiding behind desks and piles of paperwork with not a thought for being in the limelight.
And if you were to ask me what changed, true to form for a Teller of Tales I will regale you with a story of overcoming Stage Fright, Heart Ache and the sacrifices made on my journey to becoming a Storyteller. And what a journey it was, from Management meetings to serving an Apprenticeship in Storytelling at Edinburgh's Scottish Storytelling Centre.
My adventures as an entertainer allowed me to travel and meet the most amazing people. And these days I can be found in the bonnie province of New Brunswick, Canada. A long way from my humble start in Burns Country.
As a professional Storyteller, I can provide you with a unique and wonderful performance experience. My traditional background makes me well suited to provide skills for entertainment, education, personal development, or to inspire staff and help create a corporate story within the business environment.
Storytelling is ancient and versatile and can add that piece of flair to any event; dinners, festivals (re-enactment or otherwise), receptions, school visits, museums, corporate outings, and much more.

“Loud, brash and crashing through Edinburgh as a Storyteller for years, Calum Lykan is as Big as a bear and subtle as a kilt full of badgers,Grisly, scary, fanciful, engaging and oftimes heroic, his stories are peppered with wee lessons.”​
Michael Dean Dargie, Dropbear & Panda, MD&A INC